Our Story
3 Crows Conjure began in 2015 with a need for high-quality products would use every day and affordable for everyone. We also wanted a simple and quick way to book our services.
We were tired of products that only used less than high-quality ingredients and go rancid very quickly. Our products are handcrafted with the finest quality herbs, oils, resins, and roots. We choose not to skip on quality, unlike other companies who use cheap and less effective quality products. Some condition oils at other companies are nothing more than carrier oils that have been dyed. We refuse to ever go this route and that is why you will not find another company has the quality of products as ours.
We make all of our products by hand in our sacred workspace/working altar. We carefully crafted with high-quality ingredients and even charge them with intentions bless them. This is a slow-crafted process and allows you to have the highest vibration in your products as well. We are so grateful to share our love and passion with all of you to enjoy.
Our goal is simple we share our passion with you and make your life better. If we help you in this manner we have done our mission.
**If you want something specially crafted and you do not see it on our site let us know and we can talk about it and work out details on it.
Also, just to get the legal out of the way make sure to consult your doctor if you are pregnant or have any other condition before using any of our products that contain essential oils or herbs. They are high quality and very potent.
Finally, we do not guarantee any outcome of our products and services, after all, it is used with your intent that will manifest the outcome. Thank you so much for stopping by...