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3 Crows Conjure

Black Walnut Hulls

Black Walnut Hulls

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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Black Walnut Hulls Magical Uses: Black Walnut Hulls, leaves and nuts are used to put jinxes on people. Walnuts are also used to “fall out of love”. A hoodoo ritual where you make a tea of black walnut hulls husk boiled in three quarts of water; boiling it till the water evaporates down to 1 quart. You bathe in this water, renouncing ties to the former love, and then throw the water out at a crossroads or against the tree. This kind of bath is not one for the bathtub, but usually done in a smaller tub.

  • gender: Masculine and Feminine
  • element: Spirit
  • planet: Jupiter
  • deities: Thor, Vishnu, Jupiter

You will receive 1 ounce in a clear sealed bag.

***Sold as a curio. Results not guaranteed.***



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