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3 Crows Conjure

Fiery Wall of Protection Incense

Fiery Wall of Protection Incense

Regular price $13.99 USD
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Fiery Wall of Protection Incense primary use is to cleanse and cast out evil, negative entities and influences. And to create a spiritual barrier of protection around you and your loved ones. Use when casting your circle to add strong impenetrable protection. Besides being a great weapon against undesirable adverse energies, it has great preventative properties. 

Fiery Wall of Protection Incense USES:

  • Uncross malevolent spells and hexes.
  • Protection while driving bad energies and crossed influences away.
  • Safe Travels

Fiery Wall of Protection Incense SPELL IDEAS:

By burning it, it creates a sacred space where only positive energy may enter. It's perfect to use during potentially dangerous rituals, scrying or just if you feel vulnerable to negative energy.

Instructions: Just place a small spoon full of the herbs and resins on a lit charcoal disk in a fire safe container (like a ceramic bowl or cauldron) and you are ready to go!

Do not leave incense burning unsupervised.  Use a heat resistant container or surface for safety.

You will receive 1 ounce of this incense in a sealed clear bag.

***Sold as a curio only.  Results not guaranteed.***



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